La Casa




May 21, 1984
Mr. Antonio Caetano. GM .
Dear Antonio,

I am indeed sorry to learn that you will be leaving General Motors, but sincerely pleased to know that you will be moving forward to an excellent professional opportunity.

You have done an excellent job, in so many ways, for General Motors in Cadiz, and your work and contributions are very mauch appreciated.
You have brought a professional background and ability that was much needed at GM Componentes, and you have always done your assigned jobs with diligence and skill.

You have often contributed good counsel and assistance to the management, well beyond the requirements of your job, and you have done a superb job of representing General Motors and advancing our interests with the officials and news media of your area.

Personally, I consider you to be a valued friend and a man of outstanding character and talent. I know that we will continue to stay in contact, and I will want to see you whenever we can get together in the future. Be sure to let me know if I can ever be of help in any way.

Antonio, you have my sincere best wishes for every success and happiness in the future. You may, of course, use my name and this letter as a reference if you wish.


Jack Harned
Director, International Programs Overseas Public Relations





Detroit, Michigan 48202

Overseas Public Relations

Dear Antonio:

I understand you have recently been recognized by the provincial government in Cádiz for your efforts to improve social conditions in the community.

I congratulate you for your fine work and know that you will continue your efforts to make Cádiz a better place to work and live.

My best wishes for the future. I look forward to seeing and working with you shortly on the dedication plans for your plant.


Donald C, Huss




May 21, 1984
Mr. Peter Bicknell
Public Relations Director
336 The Strand
London WC2R 1HB

Dear Peter,

I'm really quite chagrined to learn that your bank has pinched one of our best young public relations men. Antonio Caetano tells me he is leaving the GM operation at Cádiz, Spain, to join your Spanish bank in Madrid. 
You're getting a very good man. Antonio has done a conscientious and effective professional job for GM in the sometimes-difficult circumstances of starting up a new plant. And personally, I've found him to be a man of excellent character and a valued friend. We're sorry to lose him, but pleased that he will have a good oppportunity with another good organization.

You may know that GM has requested my future services in Detroit, at our Corporate headquarters. I’ll still be in intemational public relations, but I will miss our PR Roundtable meetings. It was always a pleasure to be with you and our congenial colleagues, and I do hope you'll cali me if you ever happen to be in Detroit...or if there's anything I can do for you here. 

Best regards                    .

Jack Harned
Director, International Programs Overseas Public Relations

referencia 7



May 4, 1982
Mr. Antonio Caetano
Puertomar, 8 y 9 Valdelagrana Puerto de Sta. Maria Cádiz, Spain

Dear Señor Caetano:

Congratulations on your new honor. I think it is a superb accomplishment to have "improved social conditions" in your community.

If all of us could perform just an iota of your effort, the world would be a better place.

With sincere best wishes I remain sincerely yours,

Patricia Beach Smith Editor, GM TODAY



A: F Kowalski
De: Javier Oraa

Abril1, 1981

I had a most interesting meeting yesterday with Mr. Caetano and I would like to congratúlate you and your Staff for the choice you have made not only with the job he is accomplishing now with your personnel but as the Public Relations man for your Plants.

We were both in agreement on the approach of Public Relations attitude and I reviewed with him the preliminary plans he submitted to you and in my opinion, you should start as soon as possible and you may be assured, you will have a full backing.

I have already given instructions to send you copies of our press releases and I am convinced that from now on Mr. Caetano will be able to coordinate much better our general Public Affairs Relations in Spain with the local ones that affect more directly to you.

As discussed in the Country Meeting, I am still planning to make a trip to Cádiz and if you agree, I will suggest we plan it for mid-May, right after the Barcelona Automobile Show, but before the car test program that we are preparing for the second part of Hay.

At this time, I agree with him on the idea of having a press visit to the Plant, and lunch or dinner, with a small group of Journalists from the area as suggested. Mr. Caetano planned for May 6th, but I have proposed him to pospone it because the Automobil Show we will be still open on that day and I think he should attend it and most Journalists will be there until the 10th.

Javier Oraa